About us

How the shop started

Following the closure of the only village shop in Cilcain in February 2018, a group of volunteers got together to form a Steering Group to establish a Community Shop.

A ballot was held in March 2018 to find out what the community of Cilcain expected of any future shop. Most of the respondents indicated a desire to re-open a shop as soon as possible, and the majority of those expressing a preference wanted the shop to be in community owned premises.

After a few weeks of discussions, investigations, consultations and applications, the steering group became the Cilcain Community Shop Management Committee and the following occurred:

The residents of Cilcain were consulted and a ballot was held, which identified that a majority wanted a shop in a community owned location.

The Cilcain Community Council and Cilcain Village Hall Committee both agreed that the Cilcain Community Shop should be located in the former committee room of the village hall and gave their backing and assistance to the project.

Cilcain Community Shop Limited was registered as a limited liability business with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society (Registration Number:7755) in March 2018.

Newspaper sales were maintained after the original shop shut thanks to the help of the Pete and Chris in the White Horse Pub. A growing range of daily newspapers and magazines are now offered in the shop.

Cilcain Community Shop opened for business on the 16th June 2018 and has gone from strength to strength, increasing its range and opening times during 2018, and we employ a part-time Manager and a part-time Assistant Manager.

In January 2019 the shop became licensed for off-premises alcohol sales and now offers a range of realistically priced, quality beers and wines

All of this is thanks to the contributions and support of members of the Cilcain community. Without our team of wonderful Volunteers we could not have achieved this. If you would like to be part of our team please pop in, call or email (details below) – we can never have enough volunteers!

Cilcain Community Shop is very grateful to have received financial support from the residents of Cilcain, Prince’s Countryside Fund, Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB, and Cilcain Community Council.

Community Benefit Societies

A community Benefit Society is a limited company structure registered and controlled by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The society is owned by multiple shareholders on the basis of one-member one-vote, irrespective of the number of shares held. It is similar to a Co-operative Society, except that it must benefit the community as a whole rather than its shareholders.

A Community Benefit Society is governed according to its Rules which are similar to the Articles of other types of company.

Applications to the FCA are usually made via a Sponsor using ‘Model Rules’ designed by the sponsoring organisation and agreed with the FCA.

Cilcain Community Shop Limited is a registered Community Benefit Society (Number: 7755) using Model Rules and Sponsorship from the Plunkett Foundation who promote and support community owned enterprises.

Cilcain Community Shop Limited Rules can be viewed by selecting the links below.

Community Shops – A social success story


Annual Members’ Meeting Information

CCSL Annual Members’ Meeting Minutes 28-09-22

View the CCSL Annual Accounts at the FCA Mutuals Portal

View the CCSL 2022-2023 Accounts

CCSL AMM Agenda and Biographies 2023

CCSL Business and Membership Report 2023

Latest Newsletters

Autumn newsletter 25th October 2021

Spring newsletter 29th April 2021

Click here to view archived documents and newsletters.

Membership Share Application Form

Cilcain Community Shop Limited, Membership Share Application Form – Please fill in both pages and staple together

Community Shop Documents

Cilcain Community Shop Limited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice

Cilcain Community Shop Limited, Registration Document including Society Rules

View the Society documents on the FCA website FCA Mutuals Public Register
Select the Documents tab to see Registration and other documents – now free

Cilcain Community Shop Limited Business Plan April 2018

Analysis of a questionnaire about the community of Cilcain (184 respondents)

Outcome of Ballot 8th March 2018

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